The Choosi Pet Report 2017
From cavemen and their canines to the cat-worshipping Ancient Egyptians, pets have been an important part of our lives since the beginning of time. And, with the rise of social media, doggie spas and cat cafés in modern society this isn’t about to change anytime soon. The Choosi Pet Report is the latest edition in the Choosi research series and aims to reveal the biggest influences behind Aussie’s pet buying behaviours, common attitudes amongst pet owners and the various health benefits that owning a pet can bring.

Personifying our pets
Pets naturally become fully fledged members of the family with the latest findings showing that most Australian pet owners (92.7%) treat their pets with as much love and adoration as their family members. Even when it comes to expenditure, with one in five spending more on their pets than on their partner or family (21.1%).
And, it doesn’t stop with finances. These days, the act of humanising pets is growing increasingly popular with 74.5 per cent admitting to this, so much so that just over 50 per cent of pet owners are more likely to buy expensive food brands for their pets than for themselves and one in five making or purchasing clothes or footwear for their four legged companions.
Healthy paws for thought
It seems the love and adoration Aussies have for their pets reap a range of benefits with the overwhelming majority agree that having a pet is good for their mental (96.8%) and physical (92.7%) health. And these aren’t the only upsides of pet ownership as nine in ten agree that having a pet makes them happier (95.6%) and less lonely (91.9%). Perhaps to some degree, the idolisation of pets is justified by the physical, mental and emotional advantages of coming home to unconditional love provided by pets. This could explain why the vast majority of people are not afraid to splurge on their pets and feel that they ‘are worth every penny’ (53.7%), demonstrating that pets are not only valued for the health upsides they bring, but are rewarded for this too.
The apple of our eye
So, what draws Aussies to choosing that special furry friend? Reflecting on the findings, the vast majority choose their pet due to their temperament (85.6%), and personality (50.4%). Surprisingly, the owners own looks even play a part with one in six (17.1%) claiming they have chosen pets based on how similar they look to themselves. It seems that whether Aussies are looking for cat cuddles or a loyal guard dog, temperament, personality and looks are prominent players in the decision-making process.
Categorising pet carers
While many consider themselves to be regular or average pet owners, there seems to be some key stand outs when it comes to the typical pet owner. The findings reveal that close to half (47.1%) of respondents categorise themselves as ‘the animal person’, preferring the company of pets over humans. Whilst close to one in five (18.1%) identify themselves as ‘the pamperer’ ensuring that their pet always gets the best. For many, pets really are a true best friend however, one in seven (14.5%) take this to the next level by taking their pets everywhere they possibly can. Regardless of the category pet owners fall into, the adulation they have for their pets is certainly consistent.
Rescue shelters on the rise
When it comes to where Aussies are purchasing their pets, an increase towards rescuing animals from shelters and the use of pet adoption services is becoming more prevalent. And, the movement towards this practice is not about to change, with four in five pet owners stating they would adopt from a rescue shelter if they were looking for another pet and just over ninety per cent feeling that more needs to be done to steer people towards pet adoption.
It’s clear that pet ownership is less about having an adorable accessory and more about adopting a way of life and a commitment to care for a four-legged friend. That’s why in most circumstances a pet doesn’t stay a pet for long, rather they become a crucial part of a family. They evolve into children, brothers, sisters and loyal friends, and are not chosen for their ‘cuteness factor’ but for the love, companionship and benefits they can bring.
Stay tuned for the next chapter in our Choosi research series.
30 Jun 2017