How to (not) act your age

There are so many negative stereotypes around how you are ‘supposed’ to act just because you’re a certain age. But by defying your age and embracing how you want to act can have a hugely positive impact on your wellbeing.
The benefits of defying your age and acting the way you want
From centenarians who run marathons to teenagers who start up their own businesses – people defy their age in a variety of different ways. But it doesn’t always have to be as loud and impressive as this. Even small things like enjoying a hobby that’s usually associated with a younger generation is a way you can defy your age.
While at first it might seem scary to go against the grain and act in a way that isn’t traditionally appropriate for someone your age, the benefits can be far-reaching. Not only are you able to break down antiquated age barriers – whether that’s learning to surf at age 60 or spending as much time as possible with your parents as a 20-something – but you also get all the happy endorphins from doing something you love.
According to Psychology Today, authenticity is a strong foundation for well-being. They argue that having greater self-esteem, purpose and vitality could be linked to this trait, as well as developing more robust coping skills that allow individuals to navigate life’s challenges in healthy ways.
Here are some ways to (not) act your age at different life stages:
In your youth
It’s easy to think that just because you are young or inexperienced that your value is less than those who are older. But this negative mindset can hold you back from reaching your true potential.
Throughout history, young people have proven that their skills are just as valuable as their older contemporaries, and in many cases they are even more worthy of appreciation. Particularly in terms of your career, it’s worth building up your skill set and keeping a clear goal in mind of where you want to be.
When setting career goals, remember that you’re running your own race, and don’t be worried if you’re much younger – or older – than your workmates. The most important thing is to believe in the value you hold. Only with self-belief will those around you start to recognise your true worth.
In middle age
In contrast to how youth tend to undervalue their own skills and worth, especially in the workforce, those in middle age can easily fall into a passive mindset and simply be content with what they have. While there is nothing wrong with finding comfort in your current lifestyle, it’s also not wrong to want more.
One of the ways you can do this is to stay intellectually curious. Have you always wanted to learn about space but never got the opportunity as a child? There’s nothing wrong with attending an introductory course on astronomy, or getting a membership to your local science museum.
You can also stay young by picking a new hobby to learn. It could be anything you are interested in, and age should never be a boundary. Want to take up snowboarding? Want to learn a new language? Want to use your free time to learn how to paint, write a book, or even whittle wood? The world is your oyster, and the only person holding you back is you!
In your golden years
As the years pass, it can become harder to break free of your day-to-day living, and especially from society’s expectations of you. But these are the best years of your life, so you shouldn’t be shackled by what others think you should or shouldn’t be enjoying at your age.
Take retirement. For many Australians, retirement is the holy grail – something you’ve spent decades striving towards and saving up for. But that doesn’t mean you have to retire as soon as you are eligible.
While some people find meaning in their family, their footy team, their grandchildren, their circle of friends or their hobbies, others find they are most passionate about their work. So if you don’t want to retire too early – don’t!
Protect the life you love
While you don’t necessarily have to act your age, you could be protecting the life you’ve built for yourself and your loved ones with life insurance. Comparing policies with Choosi makes getting life cover easy, so start comparing today.
15 Sep 2022