Financial Tool
Find out where you stand with your savings.
Find out how your financial savviness compares to other Australians.
The Choosi Financial Savviness Comparison Tool compares your financial savviness against 5,000 other Australians across various age groups, based on the 2019 Choosi Dollar Report. It’s not a representation of the entire population’s financial savviness.
The Choosi Financial Savviness Comparison Tool uses data collected from the 2019 Choosi Dollar Report. This was the 11th instalment of the Choosi Research Series and was conducted to find out how savvy Australians are when it comes to managing their money. From venturing young adults to wealthy retirees, we asked 5,000 people from different age groups, income levels, and locations about their everyday financial decisions and concerns.
Worried about how much you spend on Uber Eats and other guilty pleasures? Looking for extra ways to save money? Not sure how much of your salary you should be putting aside? Check out what others are doing to get a better idea of where you stand.
Understanding your results
Results are calculated by comparing your responses to the findings of the 2019 Choosi Dollar Report. Although everyone’s financial needs and opportunities are different, this tool will help you see how other people in your age group are managing their money.

Benefits of comparing your spending and saving habits
The Choosi Financial Savviness Comparison Tool gives you a simple breakdown of some of your financial and lifestyle choices compared to others to help you see where your spending habits are taking you. It can also help you spot areas where you could improve, which can be a smart way to plan for your future. It may be worth considering looking into life insurance to help protect your family from financial hardship if you passed away unexpectedly.
That’s where Choosi comes in. We can help you compare a range of trusted insurance brands so you can find the perfect policy for you and your family.
Award-winning service
We pride ourselves on the service we provide! When you call Choosi, you’ll be sure to talk to one of our friendly and knowledgeable Choosers, who are happy to help and do all the hard work for you.